You may be surprised to see a post about floral trends. But as many of you have noticed if you’ve been following our blog, we’ve been trying to utilize the “opportunity” that this year have given us to expand our blog and focus on providing lots of useful content to help out our prospective brides. To that end, we would like to introduce our new staff writer and friend Maggie Walch who is the author of today’s post and will continue to write about all things wedding for us.
Assessing floral trends can be a challenge, although generally featured in almost every wedding; they can definitely vary in abundance. At some weddings, the florals are a pillar of the decor and in others it seems to be just the cherry on top, in the form of the bridal bouquet.
Anyway you cut it (a flower joke), florals have come a long way from warding off evil spirits (as originally used in ancient times) and now bring a little something extra to a wedding. I mean it’s not everyday that you get to walk around with hundreds of dollars of flowers around you and/or in your hands.
And as we approach one of our favourite seasons we’ve taken some time to put together trends we are excited to see this Fall!
Dried Florals
Who said your florals have to be alive to be stunning!? Having dried and sometimes dyed flowers, grasses and sedges as the floral focus brings a simple yet elegant element to both your decor and accessories. The best part? The price tag. Not only are dried florals substantially less expensive but you can also skip having them preserved; the same way you would if you wanted to keep a fresh floral bouquet for years to come.
This season we are expecting to see plenty of ornamental grasses as well as flashy leaves that bring texture and excitement to any arrangement.
Single Flower Bouquets
Quality over quantity, less is more, all things in moderation, we could go on, but you get what we are trying to say here. There is a beauty and a shock-value to having a plethora of flowers, but there is also a lot to be said about a single flower bouquet.
This cost efficient option is slowly gaining popularity, and we can totally get on board. Most of the time, the type of flower that is chosen is show stopper, from head to toe that can hold the spotlight all on their very own.
Our favourite: a single Gladiolus hybridus stem, with multiple flowers that have many delicate and dainty floral parts and can be found in a variety of colours.
Air Plants
Air plants have become a part of floral trends that simply can’t be ignored. This is because this group of plants found in the Tillandsia family are like mini architectural wonders. You can’t help but to look and admire them. What makes them additionally unique is the fact that they are epiphytes meaning plants that do not need soil, just the air around them to survive.
What does this mean for your bouquet or floral arrangements? You don’t have to worry about wilting! And with some care and attention these plants can outlive your wedding day.
Like they say when in Rome, do as the Romans do, and when in Fall, choose Fall blooming flowers. Not only does this make things significantly cheaper as they are in season and therefore easy to acquire but they have evolved to compliment all the colour changes of autumn.
Dahlias are also revered for their larger blooms, so you don’t need as many flowers in either your decorations or bouquets to have a full looking arrangement. They bring character and sophistication all while being dainty and sweet. As for being part of floral trends? Well they are more of a logical choice than anything.
What is the first flower that comes to mind when you think wedding in September, October or November? The first one we think of is the Sunflower. They are definitely a statement flower, but for Bride’s who are hoping to try something a little bit different and more unique look no further than supplementing the yellow of the Sunflower with that of the smaller yellow yarrow flowers.
Yarrow brings a softer yellow to table, a pleasant smell and best of all, folklore dictates that a bride that includes Yarrow in her bouquet is guaranteed 7 years of happiness with her betrothed. Include it as a fresh flower or dried.
Are you planning a wedding for yourself or with a family member or close friend? Definitely give us a follow on Pinterest where we are constantly saving the newest ideas for all things wedding!
Ps. Be sure to have a look at our Portfolio where you can see what we can do for you and your potential Fall wedding, and if you liked our post on floral trends be sure to tune in next week for our next installment!