For Unforgettable Photos, Here’s 3 Reasons Why You Should have an Evening Photoshoot at your Wedding

September 11, 2020

Let’s talk romance. If we think about associative words, what comes to mind? Starlight, candlelight, moonlight even? A romantic dinner perhaps? And what do all these words have in common? They all occur in the evening hours. Romance has become synonymous with those later hours, everything is a little dreamier when the Sun is slowly being replaced by the Moon.

Isn’t it a bit funny then that usually on one of the most romantic days in your life (your wedding), you hardly ever have a romantic evening photoshoot with just the newlyweds? It seems that most weddings have a fairly set schedule, of course with exception, but very frequently you have the ceremony, a photoshoot and then dinner and dancing. But we propose a new addition to the tried and true wedding schedule where you include some time in the evening to have an evening photoshoot, and here are three reasons you won’t regret it!

1. A break from the festivities to catch one’s breath

As the main attractions at a wedding, usually the happy couple do not get much down time. During the festivities of the evening they are constantly chatting with guests, dancing with the crowd, toasting their marriage with loved ones, it’s non stop. They say the wedding reception should be about the guests but that can be exhausting, especially if your daily life is on the quieter side. (Let’s be real all of our lives have been on the quieter side this year as we deal with quarantine and the pandemic).

And so we know that a carefully scheduled break from it all could be exactly what you need to catch your breath. Don’t worry the party will continue and your guests may not even notice that you’ve stepped out for a little bit. You get to have a moment to recharge, have a drink and soon you rejoin the rest of your friends and family!

2. A moment together, to slow things down

They say that your wedding passes you by in the blink of an eye. One of the ways we’ve found to combat that is to have a moment with your significant other when all the big tasks of the wedding are checked off and there’s nothing more on the schedule other than having fun. Once the speeches have made everyone laugh (and maybe cry), the first dance has gone off without a hitch, dinner is served and there’s no more expectation, that’s when you can have a special moment with your loved one.

This evening photoshoot will feel different! You can slow things down and really enjoy being intimate and comfortable unlike earlier in the day. There is magic in these moments and we always see a very different couple at this shoot.

3. Could there be anything more gorgeous?

A cinematographic masterpiece; the use of light as a highlight really makes evening photos look like something straight out of an epic romantic film from the Golden Age of Hollywood. Details that would otherwise be washed out by all the light are instead accentuated. You have hopefully had a chance to eat something, to have a few refreshing drinks and loosen up a little. Trust us, being relaxed speaks volumes when captured in photos.

Dramatic yet somehow peaceful at the same time, photos that are taken with the setting sun or the shining stars tell a very different story, just take a look at some of our favourites:

We pride ourselves on our signature style and we try and incorporate these beautiful cinematic style shots at each of our weddings to capture a different side of the newlyweds.

Are you recently engaged or know someone who is getting ready for their big day? If you are loving these evening shots then we invite you to take a look at our Portfolio where you can see just what we can do for you and your wedding day!

You can also follow us along on both Instagram and Facebook where we are constantly updating our content with our latest weddings, engagement shoots and family photography.