Family Photo Shoot? 5 Ways to Feel Prepared and Excited

April 2, 2021

Can it be that spring is right around the corner? That the sweet sounds of Springtime are heard all around us and that summer is not far behind? Here in Southern Ontario, Canada we do have to be a bit more cautious when anticipating the warmer weather as we do get snow in May here and there. This year in particular we are very excited and looking forward to family photo shoots!

With additional lockdowns and officially a whole 365 days since Covid-19 came to discourage and disrupt we are hopeful that the fresh air of Spring helps boost moods of everyone around the province. Of course we can’t forget all the children who have had to cope with major changes.

Although it has been incredibly difficult for many families, you’ve made it this far!That is something to be proud of and we think it’s definitely a perfect time to book a family photo shoot.

We’ve had the pleasure of shooting many families over the years, with each new family there is something new to take away from the experience. Whether you and your family are seasoned vets when it comes to family photo shoots or you’re about to have your first session, here are 5 things you can do to feel prepared and to help set you up for a successful shoot!

Get your kids involved and excited about the shoot

Introduce the idea of getting to feel like movie stars, or having a fun day with photographers in a location they love. Ask them to prepare special talents that they would like to be seen, or fun poses that can be done with the whole family. It’s always a good idea to remind them a few times beforehand about this fun activity. Depending on the age of your kids, asking them to have a few “faces” prepared, like silly, serious, excited, surprised, overjoyed will have them practising in front of the mirror to show off on the big day.

Plan around your families’ “clocks”

There is no set time that is better than another for a family photo shoot. We recommend working around your families natural clocks – if your children are early risers and feel great in the AM, then there’s no reason to not to plan a morning session. If late afternoon after naptime is a good time then that’s a great option! Point is work with your families clocks not against them.

Snacks, snacks & oh more snacks

Yep – it’s as simple as packing some of everyone’s favourite goodies, to pull out during a little break. No “hangry” moms, dads, babies, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, grandmas or grandpas will be super helpful!

Formal vs authentic

It may be a point of stress, asking yourself if your children will be well behaved or if you’ll be able to get everyone to cooperate and get some sweet photographs out of the whole ordeal. It used to be really popular to have formal family photo shoots where everyone would arrive in their Sunday Best, sit in a studio and the photographers would do anything and everything to get the family and children to smile and all look at the camera.

But we’ve found that it’s really enjoyable to strive for a more authentic feel. Not everyone has to be looking at the camera all the time, instead we concentrate on trying to get the personality of the family to shine. No need to stress, instead to let go of a preconceived idea of how the shoot should go and instead enjoy yourself as best as you can.

Get Out!(side)

Get out and stay out! Pick a location where you can let everyone be free and get some fresh air. The oxygen will help everyone to feel good, to keep smiling and to burn off any stress. Play a game, choose an activity and enjoy – we will be busy snapping away at the precious memories being made.

We’ve had so much fun with many family photo shoots over the years; we invite you to take a look at our Portfolio where you can see for yourself how we capture those special moments that you don’t want to forget.

If a family photo shoot is something you would like to try then feel free to Contact Us today to discuss dates and activities. We can’t wait to hear from you!

And if you’re on Facebook or Instagram give us a follow! We would love to connect.